April 2022


Well, it’s been an extraordinarily busy month for me. But, before I get into that: this is the 25th life update article, meaning we’ve now entered into year three! I still feel like each one of these posts is a little time capsule that I’m leaving for myself, and as this chronicle of my life continues to be filled up, I’m increasingly glad that I’ve kept this habit up.

I’ve spent a lot of this month working through Getting Things Done, and implementing my own version of the GTD workflow. At work, I’ve very slightly modified the way that I use VSCode to take notes, as well as relying more heavily on my calendar and reminders; at home, I’ve been using Ulysses for basically everything, for better or worse.

I’ve wanted to spin up my own Mastodon sever for some time now, but recent news finally gave me enough motivation to actually get up and do it. You can now find me posting at @joe@oldinternet.net. If you haven’t yet joined a Mastodon server, please feel free to stop by mine! I don’t get to do a lot of the type of server configuration work that setting this up entails, so it was a nice break from my typical projects.

In other news, we bought a car. I definitely don’t plan to spend a lot of time on the road — this was more M’s project than mine — but it’s nice to have one more option to slightly supplement public transit when we need to go places that other transit options don’t reach.


One benefit of using Ulysses is that I’ve been wriitng a lot again. I’ve done a surprising amount of writing things I thought were going to turn into articles that I’ve published, only to finish the thing and decide that it probably doesn’t need to be shared with the world.

That being said, I did finally get around to writing an article I’ve been planning for almost an entire decade now: What happens at the end of The Kingkiller Chronicle.

The only other article that I posted this month was Notable Absences from Wikipedia, in the style of Mark Dominus.



I had a lot of false starts this month; I’ve picked up and put down an atypical number of books that didn’t hook me.

I did read Excession by Iain M. Banks again. Really, I wish I could always be reading Culture novels, but I don’t think that’s sustainable.

I did end up reading a fair bit of non-fiction:

I picked up Networks of New York by Ingrid Burrington from Iffy Books. This one was fascinating and fun — I highly recommend it.

I continue to work my way through Getting Things Done by David Allen, which continues to substantially alter the way I approach my projects at work and in life.

Like my time in fiction, though, I have skimmed or stopped attempts to read a few other books, mostly touching design and programming.


Work with our intern has come to a close; it was a lot of help to have her on the team!

This month, we published:


  • I typed 910,000 keys (!!!!) and clicked 147,545 times.
  • I listened to 958 songs.