June 2023

It’s been a strange month. There’s a lot going on — a lot of balls in the air, but not a lot that’s interesting to talk about here. I’ve been feeling, lately, that I’ve been doing a lot of work with no concrete results to publicly show for it, so maybe I’ll be able to convert that energy into more things to show off here in the future. For now: this is probably going to be a pretty short update!

The biggest news: I was named a RealLIST Connector by Technical.ly. This was a huge surprise and a real honor! Philly Tech Calendar also got a shout-out from Billy Penn today, which is delightful.

I ordered some stickers thanks to a really great deal from Sticker Guy, and they turned out far better than I could have imagined. We also got JS Club stickers, so if you see me IRL, you should ask me for some!

We had two excellent JS club events this month; co-founder and organizer emeritus Matt Brophy did a great talk on Remix and React Router. We also had our joint meetup with PhillyPUG and Philly.rb, which was an absolute blast — all of the speakers did great, and it was a great turnout.

I made a silly little site that will show you a random album I really like: https://whichalbum.joewoods.dev/. I’ve used this to replace my 7,572-track “Which album should I listen to?” playlist. Caution: I have not vetted these album covers as to whether or not they’re safe for work!


Here’s the playlist for the month:


failbetter published:


This month:

  • I typed 576,000 keys and clicked 99,920 times.
  • I listened to 971 songs.