May 2024


Though I got sick during it, Philly Tech Week was a good time; I enjoyed meeting some new folks and talking about some exciting projects.

I started playing with Raycast this month, and I am totally hooked. It has already been completely embedded into my workflows, and I am now actively seeking out ways to modify the way I get things done so that I can use this tool even more. There’s the obvious culprits that Raycast’s marketing will pitch to you without me needing to — like, for example, how managing my schedule and getting into virtual meetings is super streamlined now — but I’m also using it for some more silly things, like a script with a global hotkey which tells me how many songs I’ve listened to in a day, to make sure I’m tracking toward my goal of 50 per day.


I’ve put the leadership blog on hiatus, but I published two posts this month:


This month, I watched 1 film:

  • The Martian — (rewatch) ★★★★★

I haven’t been watching a lot of films lately, but you can still follow me on Letterboxd.


This month, I finished 2 books:

  • The Wager: A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann — absolutely brutal, but a fascinating history and a great read.
  • Start Your Own Nonprofit Organization: Your Step-By-Step Guide to Success by Cheryl Kimball — some good information embedded in this one.

I’m currently reading Malka Older’s Null States, which is really great so far.


This month, failbetter published:

  • “Action Picture”, parts one and two by Elizabeth Logan Harris
  • “Pearl” by Kimberly Lawrence Kol


  • I typed 770,000 keys and clicked 104,009 times.
  • I listened to 2,174 songs.