September 2023


That’s another month in the books. Nothing grand and exciting, but I got a fair amount done, and I’m feeling good. I’m glad the weather’s getting colder — I love the bitter cold, but fall tends to be my favorite time of year.

I’m sticking with the running habit, and have been pretty consistently running twice a week, which I’m pretty proud of. I am very slow, but I think I’ve decided that I don’t need to be good at this.

I played Starfield. I’m pretty conflicted by it; there were elements of it that I liked — the atmosphere, the exploration, many of the Bethesdian game mechanics — but plenty more that I didn’t like. I was really disappointed by the plot, which made me feel like the whole game was a bit of a let-down.

I watched six films — which is a lot for me! I’ve been really having fun playing with Letterboxd, and I’ve been putting my reviews there. Two highlights for me this month were Her (★★★★½) and John Wick: Chapter 2 (★★★★☆). I hope you’ll add me on Letterboxd, so I can absorb your favorite films into my watchlist.

I spent a bit of time moving to Obsidian. We’ll see if it sticks, but Obsidian has gotten very good since the last time I looked.

I did write some code, but mostly for two projects I’m not ready to talk about!


A pretty short one this month!


This month, I read:

  • Ghost in the Wires by Kevin Mitnick. This was a gripping story that I had a hard time putting down, but it does not take a deep look to realize that we are intentionally being fed the best version of the story.
  • Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel. I wasn’t a big fan — this felt too much like a novel about the pandemic, which I just don’t think I was ready for.
  • American Kingpin by Nick Bilton. Nothing about the actual content of this narrative brought me to it — I am not particularly invested in any of the lines running through this story — but I was such a fan of Bilton’s writing in Hatching Twitter that I couldn’t resist picking this book up, too. And that was a good call! The end of this book is fantastic, and the build up to it is well-orchestrated, making the pay-off that much better.


This month, failbetter published "Little Girl Thieves" by Elizabeth Brinsfield.


This month:

  • I typed 530,000 keys and clicked 79,894 times.
  • I listened to 1,005 songs.